do not be anxious

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Psalm 88; Matthew 6:19-34

"Therefore do not be anxious about your life..." "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow..."
(Matthew 6:25, 34)

Matthew presents three more of Jesus' teachings on discipleship - in particular discipleship and money. I think the summary of this section, the phrase that brings it together is "therefore do not be anxious..."

From vs. 19-23 he warns about using your resources to only secure your future, and not for securing the present for those in need. This is what "laying up treasures in heaven" refers to - the understanding in Jesus' day was that you store up treasures in heaven by giving to the poor (ie. God will pay you back in heaven, or it goes into your heavenly account - if you want a rich life in heaven give to the poor on earth!). The phrase a "healthy" or good eye (v. 22) referred to being a benevolent person.

In verse 24 we have a concise warning about the two masters, God and money - you will be devoted to one or the other, there is no way to split your allegiance.

In verses 25-34 is the beautiful lilies of the field teaching, which begins and end with "therefore do not be anxious." If we are anxious about our life, and about tomorrow, we will not part from our stuff to share it with those who have not; if we are anxious about our life and tomorrow, we will serve money not God; if we are anxious about our life and tomorrow, we will not trust God, or seek first his kingdom... or be concerned about much else but our own security.

We are anxious because we do not know God, and what he is like, or we forget. We are anxious because we want to secure our lives ourselves, that's the only way we can be sure of. We are anxious because we tend to live by sight and not faith, by trusting only the numbers we can see and the things we can touch.

So, Jesus drives home his point to his disciples with one of his "much more" points. God loves and cares for you "much more" than the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, which are richly and beautifully cared for. Don't be anxious, of little faith, but trust him and seek him, his kingship, and covenant relationship and living in him. He will provide what you need to live faithfully in his kingdom and in his righteousness. As we heard yesterday, the priority of Jesus' disciples is to seek him as our reward, as our satisfaction, as our security; to make knowing and trusting him our absolute priority.

We can break through, or help our hearts move in the right direction, in these areas by giving above our tithe (what we're already "comfortable" giving) as an offering to those in need, or by intentionally serving God with our money (praying about it and not just furthering one of our pet projects...), or by intentionally not buying something to eat or wear specifically to break our attachment to it in our hearts.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
(Matthew 6:21)

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