There is so much in Deuteronomy 30 we could unpack it for days:
- "with all your heart and with all your soul" (vs. 2,10)
- "the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring" (v. 6)
- "the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it." (v.14)
- "if (1) your heart turns away, and (2) you will not hear, but (3) are drawn away to (4) worship other gods and (5) serve them" (v. 17)
- "I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse" (vs.15, 19)
- "choose life" (v. 19)
"Be strong and courageous." (vs. 6, 7, 23)
Twice the command included "do not fear" and "He will not leave you or forsake you." This word, first to Israel, then twice to Joshua (and again to Joshua in Joshua 1) remains an important word for God's covenant people.
As we heard yesterday the resurrected Jesus, who was leaving (hence the discussion at the end of John's Gospel about who would be alive "until I come"), say "Follow me", life with God is moving forward, into his future. There is opposition, there will be battles. This covenant of life and love doesn't mean we just sit back and enjoy the milk and honey, the wine and pomegranates in the promised land. There are places God wants us to move into and occupy victoriously. But God is with us and among us (cf. 31:17). Always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20) And the promise of his unfailing presence imparts strength and en-couragement.
This strength and courage requires faith. It flows out of loving the Lord with all our hearts. It concerns our priorities, what (who) is most important to us, and fearing the One who is sovereign over everything else that causes us fear. And it requires grace, God's gifts supplying what we don't have when trusting in ourselves. Let's choose life today, "loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life" (31:20)
In the words of Sunday's epistle:
"May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light."
(Colossians 1:11-12)
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