Korah's rebellion

Tuesday, November 13, 2007: Psalm 60; Numbers 16

Ouch. I don't really like this story.

Korah and those he gathered to him were Levites. They served the priests, but wanted to be considered "holy" like Aaron and his sons, in fact they said that "all in the congregation are holy, and the Lord is among them.". And they felt like their cousins, Moses and Aaron, exalted themselves above all the people. But in truth, they were angry to still be out in the wilderness and not in the land flowing with milk and honey.

Well, yes, God had said back when they arrived at Mt. Sinai that they were to be a holy nation and a kingdom of priests. Yet over and over again they were everything but what God called them to. We don't know for certain, but the Levites and Aaronic priesthood could have been plan B.

In any case, again we have a story of complaining, and especially of rising up to willfully oppose God's prophet and priest. The glory of the LORD appears as they gather before the tabernacle. Again, after this whole event where an earthquake swallows up these rebels, the people complain again (!) and the Lord send a plague, and again Moses intercedes on behalf of those the LORD is going do away with.

I guess today I'm reflecting on dealing with anger, and fear, and pride, in the healthiest way. Finding the root of it, talking to God first about it, taking special care not to set myself up in some exalted "holy" status, or even "I'm as good as you". Bottom line, again, do I trust God for where I am today? Is being a Levite, or a teacher, or a husband, or whatever, enough for today? The Lord is among us, loving us, providing, leading, protecting.

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