deliver us from evil

Monday, November 12, 2007: Psalm 59; Numbers 13-14

Deliver me from my enemies, O my God;
protect me from those who rise up against me;
deliver me from those who work evil,
and save me from bloodthirsty men.
(Psalm 59:1-2)

As good and important as Numbers 13-14 are in the big story, I just want to copy a brief post from the other blog: dicristina:

I mentioned briefly the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church in my sermon yesterday. Of course, the one day is more a reminder to call the problem to our attention than to just pray one day about it. (Though a day of united prayer is awesome and extremely important!) You can find more information about people and places, about governments and mission groups, about the persecuted and those persecuting at: www.persecutedchurch.org

There are a whole bunch of links there. The Voice of the Martyrs is one that Brooke keeps up with through a monthly newsletter - they've been serving the persecuted church for a long time. I like to know the areas or countries that are hot spots, and Open Doors has a list (I'm sure some of the others do too). Another one, not on the list, is The International Justice Mission, or IJM . While IJM is focused on human trafficking, this includes in some cases the persecution of Christians.

O my Strength, I will watch for you,
for you, O God, are my fortress.
My God in his steadfast love will meet me;
God will let me look in triumph on my enemies.
(Psalm 59:9-10)

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