Different kinds of psalms

In six days, we have already discovered that there are many kinds of psalms.  While we could probably say that Psalms 3-6 are similar in style, both Psalm 1 and Psalm 2 were different (more in another post on these individual psalms).  We will find in this journey:

  • psalms that are upbeat, and psalms that are dark and depressed; 
  • psalms that call for the loudest praise, and psalms that lament, groan, complain and worse;
  • psalms that are very personal and individual, and psalms that are corporate or national;
  • psalms that are more like proverbs than prayers;
  • psalms that are more imprecations than intercessions, 
  • and more.

One way to very generally characterize the psalms that I have found helpful is in three categories (cf. Old Testament Theologian Walter Bruggemann):
  1. Psalms of Orientation 
  2. Psalms of Disorientation
  3. Psalms of Reorientation

Psalms of Orientation are those that affirm that all is right with the world; everything is rightly oriented.  God is good and in control in heaven, the world is running well, and generally speaking, life is good and makes sense.

Psalms of Disorentation (in which category the Laments fall), of course, are those which express that things are not as they should be, and God may not be in heaven overseeing this mess, all is not right, and I or we are disoriented with this state of imbalance, upset, pain, and turbulence.

Psalms of Reorientation are those in which God has intervened in a "Disoriented" situation and brought about a new orientation, a resolution, deliverance and peace.

All of these are faithful offerings to the God who made us, loves us, is with us, and saves us.

Some psalms defy categorization; some are both Disorientation and Reorientation. I will point these out as we go along.

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