trust is the way

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Daily Office Bible readings, ESV

So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman.
(Galatians 4:31)

Paul is driving this point home, and will continue to hammer on it - in Christ we are free. We are children of freedom, not slavery; we are children by the Spirit, not the law; we are children through faith, not the works of the flesh.

He again appeals to the story of Abraham (cf. chapter 3), who was reckoned in right relationship with God on the basis of his trust in God. This story of Hagar and Sarah speaks of the "end runs" we tend to do to try to get to God's will for us, but not in God's way for us. I know I do this, and have recently been repenting for it. Of course, it's a deception to think we are trying to bring about God's will for us if we are not going about it in God's way for us - which is, of course, radical trust in him and not in "chariots or horses," not in our logic or wealth, or anything else.

And ultimately, that way of trusting in anything other than God, will be slavery. It will not deliver what it promises and will bring bondage and enslavement to that way - whether our logic or power or wealth or hoop-jumping or security-ensuring or approval-manipulating... only trust in God for life, for future, for the fulfillment of his promises as both the beginning and the way to live itself will bring freedom and increasing freedom in the love and Spirit of God.

Lord, help me trust you as a way of life, not just the way to life...

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