Friday, January 17, 2008
Psalm 111; Matthew 12:43-50Jesus tells this story about when an unclean spirit goes out of someone, it may try to return to "my house from which I came" which is now empty and put in order. In fact, it will bring seven other spirits more evil than itself and they will enter and dwell there in the house. Jesus' summary statement is "and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation." (v. 45)
The previous section began with an account of Jesus delivering a demonized man who was blind and mute. So this is very appropriate, but perhaps Jesus is also warning the Pharisees who are essentially claiming to be free and clean of demonic influence but are perfectly set up to be infested with an onslaught of them, filled up perfectly with evil presence.
The story seems to take a big turn, from a heavy discussion of judgment and evil spirits to a domestic scene where Jesus is teaching in a house (13:1) and his mother and brothers come to talk to him. Four times (five if you include the excluded verse 47... did you notice it was missing?) we have this reference to his "mother and brothers" or "my brother and sister and mother." Sounds like household talk.
I just wonder if these two accounts are intentionally put together because the second is a comment on the first. I think the main thing missing from an empty house is a family. And the family you want is his family, those who do the will of his Father in heaven.
Unless we fill our lives with the will of God, doing the will of God, and being closely connected with people who do the will of God, then we are sitting ducks to to overwhelmed and overtaken by evil moving in to the neighborhood and then our own house. Jesus says that is exactly how it will be with this "evil generation." But our "generation" is to be the people of God, indeed as Peter states (in the KJV):
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. (1 Peter 2:9)
To be in Jesus' family, to be brother or sister to him who perfectly fulfilled the will of his Father in heaven, is to be protected from all evil. He who commanded evil spirits with a word is he who said "Not my will but yours be done" and then gave his life in death, according to the will of God, as a sacrifice that brings us new birth. Indeed to do his will is to believe in him, to trust him, and to follow and obey him.
This week in a discussion on the Sermon on the Mount I was convicted and convinced that I needed the help of other Christians if I was ever to live it out (by the grace of God and indwelling presence of Christ), and that Jesus gave it not to a bunch of individuals but to a band of disciples, a community of his followers. We really do need each other.
If you're in Jesus' family, that indeed is a full house, in a company of siblings devoted to the Son, a household full of the goodness and mercy, and power and truth, and light and life of our Father. And that, I think, is the kingdom of God.
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